Friday, June 01, 2007

Been a while

Been a while since i posted.
Here are my thoughts.

A-rod is at the forefront of a couple of things. 1st "The blonde". He was not cought with a stripper. I doubt he got to Toranto very much and you need a tour guide. Why not a hot blonde with big hooters? According to everything i read today his wife looks o.k. with it. (and for those of you who do not know his wife is super hot).
"The call". There is no doubt when he rounded 3rd agenst the blue jays he said something. Why not? This is baseball, and NO, it's not bushleague either. everyone is getting so upset the minute things go wrong that everything is under the microscope. Back in the day when Nolan Ryan was pitching they use to scream at one another rounding the bases. Ryan was know to yell out the pitch he was going to throw them before he even pitched. Spiking the 2nd baseban was an everyday occurance. Lenny Dykstrya was know for playing with broke fingers, grabbing the 1st basemas crotch (true story) and spitting on the 2nd and shortstop players shoes as he was rounding the bases. A-rod yelling YA! or I GOT IT! should be treated like MLB is treating Bonds. Ignor it.
Redsox / Yankee's this weekend. Break out the boxing gloves. This is the yankee's best chance to make up ground in the next month. Look for them to pull every bag of tricks out of the bag.

Giant trade Benitez to florida. Who saw that coming? (i did) After his off field antics and them blowing another game he was done in SF. He still gas gas in his pitches and should flurinh enough in FLA to catch on with another team but ,truthfully, look for him on Pro's vbs Joe's in two years.

Mets win, AGAIN! Is there any doubt the the Mats are the class of the division right now? No, Even with Beltran hurt they still have, arguably, THE most potent line up (with a pitcher batting) in the league. Tommy is pitching as good as ever, Carlos is starting to hit his mid-season stride. john Maine looks un-fricking-beleive-able. Right now they could pull Ron Darling AND Keith Hernandez out of the anounces booth and still win at least 100 games. And the Ace of the staff (ready for the shocker.............) Oliver Perez is looking like a very dominate left handed pitcher. (Oliver who?, someone test that boy...)

Vick is D-O-N-E.
Inversigators now have enough evidence to charge him. New haircut and threads will not help him at all. It's time for the falcon to lo0k for another starting QB who is half way descent. (Wait, Matt Schaud was there back-up, now he the texan's starter. Is David Carr still looking for a job?) Has there been any Jeff George siting in Altanta this week? What's Kerry Colins doing these days? Wait, I got it. Someone call Joe Theisman......

(I'll get to Lebron in a minute.)
Bill Donovan Leave florida state for the magic and an extra 1.5 million a year. Now i'll all for making a buck but, WTF was he thinking?
Plus side of coaching in collage.
- coach kids who WANT to learn the fundementals of the game and actually give a crap about playing. Hustle on every play. Dive for loose balls. Go into the crowd for loose balls. Put there body on the line to win A game. Listen to what your saying.
Negitives about coaching in collage.
- 1-3 year turn over depending upon talent level............... yup, that's it.

Plus side of coaching in the pro's
- (thinking) ...... ,.,.,.,. .......... [][][][][][ ............ [][][][][][][ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................... Sorry, can not think of 1 single reason.
NEGITIVES about the pro's
Plys hard for the last three minuts fo the game, Gun toating thughs who only worry about receiving a paycheck (this included everyone), Multi year contracts for 1 year players, "guarantted money", salary cap, Ukraine players who speak no english and need an interpertor on the sidelines, ect, ect, ect...............

One the brite side.......
Lerbron absoutly took over last nights game. Holy crap! Where was this the last 62 games? (He mailed in almost the whole season). Almost jordanesk... Except, (when i use to like basketball) Jordan did this almost everynight.

I have Greg Biffle in my pool this week. Pray for me please.

More monday. (PROMISE)
