Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Night in the Camper

I am watching Hoosiers.....

The TV reception in the park is terrible. Thank God for the DVD player. I fell asleep last night watching SpaceBalls. I know someone who will not be thrilled with my movie selection but you can only find so much at the bargain bid in Wal-Mart.

We went fishing just about all day today.

I started at my favorite fishing hole just a few steps from the camper here..

I love this little fishing hole. So far this year I have pulled out
2 salmon, 3 bass, 2 rainbow's and 1 brook trout. Along with a host of other's that got thrown back.

The stream ends here and takes an abrupt left hand turn and then head further south. During the rainy season this rock looks like a ride from an amusement park. Last year when we had all that rain the water was cresting at the mid part of the rock as you see it here.
So I played around in this pool for a better part of an hour ,I think, and then decided to take off down stream and see what I could find.

So I walked for about 15 minutes and wound up here....

Ever spot on this river is absolutely beautiful. The only problem with this spot is that I can see a little construction off in the distance.

This river follows the Army Core Of Engineers water line that I think runs from the dam all the way down to Watertown.
I got just about nothing out of this spot. I hooked a brown trout and got him up to shore. He was only a little guy and as I was bringing him out of the water he wiggled off the hook. Was not a big deal and decided to keep heading down stream.

The trails that the bikes have cut up are pretty impressive. It's like walking threw a tunnel of tree's. Being this early in the season the whole woods smells like fresh cut grass.
So I kept walking. I walked farther this time than I ever have before. Let me back up. I have been this far before but I was on a mountain bike ride and had to pay closer attention to the path than I did site seeing.

I am not sure how far I walked but I can around this benn in the trail and saw this............



Come to DADDY............

I fished this hole for about an hour. I was just killing this area. They must not have been feed in a week. Soon as I dropped anything in the water they were all over it. I pulled (and released) 6 (count them 6!) keepers. 4 rainbow's, 1 brown and a brook trout.

I was starting to get a little tired and followed the river back. I was taking a little extra time on the way back and dropping down to some of the smaller pools to see what they looked like. One of the more memorable pools was this one where I spent the better part of a half and hour. As I was casting out and playing with some different bait when this caught the corner of my eye.

There were three of them just minding there own business and taking in what was now the afternoon sun. They kept coming up and swimming by me. I could not resist taking a couple more shots. Here ya go..

I got the second picture as they were going down stream to get a bit to eat. I had the camera on auto focus and did not see the tree limb in front of me. But you get the gist of it.

I made my way back to the camper and did a little work around the 2nd home. Went out and got some pizza. I did manage to sneak in another hour down at the little fishing hole a couple of paces down. Pulled up an 8 inch rainbow but it got really dark really quick and decided to come in and take in a movie.
Well, gotta run. Going to get some shut eye. The fish get up pretty early in the morning and I will be waiting for them.
