Monday, May 07, 2007

Yankee Stadium

I went to the "Clemens game" on sunday. With everything that happened before the 7th inning it will always be remembered for that inning. Here's what happened the whole day.
I woke up at 6am ready to start on my way to new york. first problem that happened was that i could hardly move a bone in my body. I had superset while lifting the day before and guess i worked out harder than i thought. It even hurt to go pee. But we have stuff to take care of that. A hot shower, alittle streatching and were good to go. So after my 30 minute Lava shower i grab somthing to eat and hit the road. RTE15 in connecticut is a beautiful drive even after you leave and hit New York. there is a rest area every 15 or so mile to stop and streatch your leggs or to take a leak. I was fine until the yahoo direction i printed out did not keep up with New York construction and also the change of road names. I need ot get a gps or something. After a short 15 minute detor, which was a good thing cause i had to take a piss every 30 minutes,i was back on the road headed in the right dirrection. UNTIL I HIT THE BRONX.
My luck there was a road race in the bronx. FING GREAT. I go past Yankee Staduim to meet my buddie Dave at his hotel. That was mistake #1. Half the city was blocked off for the race and i had no clue as to where i was half the time. (I't not like a blackjack table where you can bluff your way threw a bad hand. this is NYC. When you screwed, your screwed.) So after 30 minutes of driving no where i start heading back to the highway and the stadium. (i think). I try to follow my nose (which by this time is 1/2 way up my ass). 4 times in 15 minutes i stop for dirrections. the 1st three times i think they saw my CT plates and decided to send me in the totally wrong direction. (Thanks guys. I LOVE NEW YORK!). So i actually find my was back to the highway and start heading into the stadium. Stuck in traffic again i realized i really should have taken the train. I get in line like a good ct boy and everyone and there brother starts cutting in front of me. Something happened. I turned into Tony Stewart chasing a hamberger. (Remember in Days of Thunder When there racing to dinner beating the crap out of the rental cars? I did all that except i do not have any dents on my car.) But i made it to the parking garage with out getting killed or killing someone else.
Was good. I am not a yankee's fan, but judging by the croud 1/2 the Yankee fans arn't Yankee fans either. LEMME EXPLAIN...........
THE PEOPLE IN THE BOX BEHIND ME....................
Had more bad things to say about Jeter, A-rob and Giambi then i have head a redsox games. (so i'm told) Jeters 1st at bat i hear from behond me "JETER'S A FAG!", A-rod's 1st at bat, i hear from behind me, "A-ROD DOES STERIODS!", Jason's 1st a bat (again from behind me) "FAT F!@#! - HIT THE DAMN BALL". I look and there wearing Yankee shirts. Nice. what comes out of there mouth when the stink? This happen threw most of the game until the gentleman a few seats down asked the usher (are the usher's?) to ask the kids to stop. Wait, did i forget to mention they were 10 YEARS OLD? Sorry, must have slipped my mind. Classic. I'll never forget that as lonfg as i live.
Screaming at the top of there lungs each time Hideki or Ichiro take the field or are at bat. The one girl actually looked like she thought they could hear her. Everytime either one one of them looked even remotely twards our section she freaked out like a 17yr old at an Elvis concert. Ichiro, Hideki, i wuv you! Not once did the even acknowledge rthe fact Kenji Johjima was playing in the game. (for the record he's got a better batting average them both of them and plays a more demanding position, catcher.) Now to the point. They were not Yankee or Seattle fans. They were Japanese baseball fans who routed for the japanese players.(two out of three of them atleast). And whn Clemens came out well..............
Then the croud quited down and Roger gave the "They got me out of Texas and i'm coming back" line. The croud went bullshit. ROGER, ROGER, ROGER! And mister "YOU SUCK" was leading the chant for his section. The Japanese had this "who the hell is he?" look on there faces and the kids behind us were making some sort of comments about Roger taking it in the ass. (I LOVE NEW YORK!) It had everyting you wanted in a baseball game. Even two guys duking it out in the bathroom on a piss soaked floor. (That ride home must have been awesome. But come to think of it some guy did pass me on 95 doing like 100mph).
Then we get to the bench clearing non fight. From 500 feet away it look like a group of guys discussing where there going to dinner. Not much to report there. I saw the highlites on ESPN. They made it look much worse than it actually was. My only comment is that washburn should have plunked him in the ass.
The ride home was even worse, Although i had a really good time playing football with the guys on the top parking deck while waiting for the traffice to clear. (Thanks guys. Also next time we are not using my car as an "out of bounds" marker. I still have Mike's face print on my hood.)
I got lost on the way home. That was not soo bad. But getting lost in new york and having to take the biggest leak of your life is an adventure in itself. Worst part of the trip home was i thought my bladder was going to jump threw my brain. I finally spot a D&D and pull in to go. I start undressing on my way into the store because i know i'm barely going to make it, i turn the corner to the bathroom and i can not beleive my eye's. "OUT OF ORDER" Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i almost killed myself running across the streeet threw traffic making it to the McDonalds.
All and all a great day. Dave, Thanks for the ticket, I had a ball.
I will commect on the Hoops, NLF and everything else tomorrow.


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