Friday, December 21, 2007

Sick, Clemens, Baseball Rant.

I have been sick for the last 4 days.
I have not posted because i have not been able to get out of bed. I hate getting sick, especially before the holidays.

Roger Clemens
Denies taking steroids. No kidding. The weird thing is will all the attention being paid to Roger everyone has forgotten about Bonds.

On one of my sick days
I was watching Rome is Burning. One of the commentators made a vary valid point.
We as a society are a very forgiving nation. I do not care who has used in the past. Lets let the records stand. Lets let the past be just that, the past. We all know that a good portion of the stars in the MLB were jacked or at least we think they were. The Mitchell report will forever be linked to the 90's and 2ooo's in baseball history.
Let's start a "do over". Remember as kids playing we could always call a "do over" when something happened that no one agreed upon? Why not now?
I am sick of hearing the Clemens, Bonds, Roberts, Sosa, McGuire and the rest of them were juiced. We all know Cal Ripken did not take. We all know Tony Guinn was clean. ECT, ect.
As a public we know who was dirty and who was clean. I remember watching the mark/Sammy HR race and thinking that even though i know there not "clean" that this was saving the pastime i so dearly love. Did i hate the fact they were saving baseball and not doing It legally? Yes.
Baseball hit it lowest point right after the strike. same way hockey hit me a few years ago after they decided to walk. It had to take something, and thing to get people back to the games, back to the TV sets. This was it. Did the owners know the players were shooting up? Of course they did.
Maybe it is just me. Maybe not.

Have a safe and happy Holiday everyone.
I will be posting over the holiday.


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