Monday, May 21, 2007

The weekend that was.......

Let's see if my fingers can keep up with my brain. Soo much over the weekend, Soo little time.

Seau signs another 1 year deal with New England. Well, no kidding. At this point i think he would basically play for free given the Pats are a lock for a run at the Super Bowl. Can you think of one other team right now, except mabey, MABEY, the colts who have this good a shot? Any takers? (Waiting.............) Didn't think so.

I should start keeping a running police blotter for the NFL. (actually i think already has one.)
#1 - Chris Henry (suppostially) fails a drug test.
#2 - Jets KR Justin Miller was charged with domestic violence.
As i have said before. WTF? Hello? You in the public eye? Look even if you a back up long snapper for the Houston Texans your under the microscope. If your name end up in the police blotter and you play for an NFL team, your gonna make headlines.

I actually watched a little of the spurs/Jazz game last night. That's about all i ahve to say about that. They look about as enthused to play that game as Jason Giambi is to give another interview.... ZZZZZZZZ...................................

Ducks shock the Wings in OT last night (nobody saw this coming) and take a 3-2 series lead. HOLY CRAP!
Again Scott Niedermayer (in front of a national audience) scores the game winner. Is this a contract year for him? All i hear is CHA-CHING!

The yankee's are the talk of every radio show between here and Mars.
It's a little earlie to start talking about firing Torre (or is it?) I like Joe, but Yankee fans are like a dogs following a steak. That thing drops a half and inch and there snapping at it. Who you gonna replace him with? Larry Bowa? Donnie Baseball? Come on. You want ot risk not getting Clemens? Rogers main reason for coming back is Torre. I do not blame Joe. I blame..........
#1 - The injury bug. Usually it effects one person in a varity of positions. This time it targeted the entire pitching staff. (Some where Randy johnson is laughing his ass off).
#2 - The attutude. Have you watched any of the games this year? Almost all of the team look like there already thinking about tee times. the only one who still looks interested is Jeter. A-rod has hit a wall and looks like he's back to his old self. Giambi looks ready for a streight jacket (or better yet HAND CUFFS!). Cano looks baked, Posada looks tired after only 40 games, and Bobby Abreu looks so not-interested at the plate the pitcher could call out the pitch he's gonna throw and Bobby would still miss it.

Gabbard throw for the win agenst the braves and gets sent back down to the minors. Beckett should be ready to go again in about 5 days. The kid looked good. Keep him around, your gonna need him.

Woods to throw this week for the Cubs. (Holy crap. Is this ground hog day? We have a Kerry Woods sighting.)

Now, I know i should have said this earlier but i think Jason Giambi has entered the Curt Schilling zone. Some time it is good to just keep your mouth shut. This would be one of them. Now you give the Yanks reason to yank your contract. If Jason wanted out of new york hwe should have just asked. next thing you know he's gonna start a blog and call out Barry Bonds after he breaks the record. (wait, he called him out already and he has not broken the record yet, DAMIT!).

Hats off to Randy Johnson. 71/4ip, 10k's 0 BB's/ His 206th 10plus strike out game. Question. If he does not get 300 wins (which he will) are those hall of fame numbers?

Back tomorrow.