Saturday, April 05, 2008

3 Days in Asheville

3 Days in Asheville, N.C.
Beautiful town and very nice people.
With all of the meetings and class's i took there was not a lot of time for site seeing. The closest i got to seeing something was when i took a walk to the shell station to get some water and a pack of smokes. (yah, I'm still smoking,)

The Holiday Inn was quite pleasant and had some pretty descent food. Breakfast at a hotel, alot of times, leaves something to be desired. But this was quite enjoyable. I just felt a little sorry for those who spent the entire night in the bars and all they could woof down was a little coffee and some toast.

Fish out of water...
I did feel a little out of place. N.C. is a little layed back. Up here things tend to move a little faster than the rest of the country. I was only there for a few days but i did manage to come back with a little bit of an accent. Ya'll is the most common of the phrases i came back with.

The plane ride.........
To Asheville was uneventful. Plenty of room to stretch out on the Delta flights. The only thing that got me was when we got to Charlotte. From Charlotte to Asheville is about 2 hours by car. By plane it is 23 minutes. With propellers.
I did not think they used planes with propellers anymore. (Apparently, they still do) I have never been on a prop plane before and i got stuck one seat ahead to where is spins. All i did for most of the plane ride was stare out the window and repeat "Please do not stop, Please do not stop".

Now the plane rides back.................
Was a completely different story.....
They were having tornado's in Atlanta so everything from the Mason Dixon line up and down was all screwed up. Luckily my plane was not effected, but there were scrambling to get people on to different planes top get them home. I spoke with one guy who was going to California by was of Minnesota.
Now i do not mind (much) people sitting next to me, but, I was kind of in a bad mood. On the ride down I was sitting next to one of the guys who came up from D.C. Nice kid and we had a very pleasant conversation about business for a few minutes and then i turned my I-pod on and took a 30 minute nap. Before in know it were down in the Cincinnati Airport. (Which, but the way, is actually in Kentucky.)
I get off the plane and walk the 3 miles to the other side of the terminal where i am to catch my connecting flight. (not a bad walk. alot of different lighting fixture all around the airport so I was complete occupied for the time being.)
I get to my destination and see my flight is delayed for about a hour. No problem. I'm hungry and happened to have passed an Outback Steakhouse on my way. I'm hungry. Lets get some food. I walk in and sit at the bar. Order a 7up and some wings. While sitting there watching sports center i see an ash tray's on the bar. Being from out of town i ask the bar tender if we could actually smoke at the bar. Why Yes, he replies. So i fire up a smoke. This dude next to me on his 5th rum and coke starts mumbling under his breath about me lighting up. He's drunk and i am not in a good mood. Bad move on his part. For those of you who do happen to smoke it is a pretty descent science when you exhale and where you can direct it to and what kind of stream you can produce by how you position your mouth. (I am very good at it.)
(one more point before i go any further. I am 5-10" 240lb, he's 5-nothing and 150lb with his suite on.)
Inhale, Enjoy, Pull lips to right, small round opening pointed directly at his head.
With Purpose...................................................

The bartender kinda knew what i was doing after about 3 drags and gave me the look. I quit but to prove my point a turned my head towards the gentleman and politely asked him if he had anything else he would like to get off of the 3 working brain cells he still had functioning. Guess he was still rational and proceeded to keep his mouth shut. I, on the other hand, went back to being my usual polite self and after each drag blew the smoke directly into the air at the exhaust fan.

Loading and unloading of your baggage.....
I know the airlines have rules about how many bags you can take on the plane. But on my flight from Cincy to Hartford everyone must have had 3 bags. No one could find a place to store there luggage with out going incredible Hulk on the overhead compartments. Well everyone finally got there luggage away and we take off. I did not notice it much at first until "professor-smell-alot" besides me decided to turn on the air. He F-ing STUNK...........
He looked like a normal guy. Business suite. He, like everyone else, had too many bags and actually had to kick one of his carry on's under the seat. When i say kick, Like a mule kicking a farmer, KICK.
Not a word was said between us on the way up. I could tell he was not from these parts. Because when i nudged his elbow away from my rib with a nice little elbow he looked at me like i had stole his lunch money. Look, my smirk, eye's, and body language told him, I'm not too happy right now so move your elbow away from MY armrest and ribs and i will not have to rip your head off.
He agreed. I popped in a piece of gum and turned my air blower towards his to clear the air of the stink and i was pretty well for the balance of the flight.

The drive home.................
Was o.k.
I know everyone just got off the plane and are tired, But do you really need to do 50mph in a 65mph zone? Soon as i got on 91 and passed all of you who were driving and sleeping on the way home i was good.
Cruise control set at 73? - check
Window down to let some cold air in? - check
Radio on full blast? - check
Greenday on the radio? - check

Airport to home - 29 minutes.
from door to bathroom, 1.5 seconds.
Bathroom to bed - 3 minutes (pit stop for a glass of milk and a ice cram sandwich)
Getting in your own bed after a long trip - priceless........
