Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Gonna give you my take on as may games as i can
While i am still awake and have an Internet connection. (long story)

Rose Bowl
Illinois vs USC
On paper this should be a laugh er. But do not count out Illinois out. Ron Zook will have his team ready. Ill's defence does not get much by way of publicity but they do a great job in zone and man to man. USC's defence is another story and get plenty of the press. Especially the run they had going down the stretch. There defence is not only ranked behind Ohio State.
Illinois has an advantage though. Juice Williams. The best quarterback name in collage today.
USC will have home field advantage even though they are not playing in there home stadium. And if they do not get there own stadium situation straight they will be next year.
I expect this game to become a complete laugh er and most men in America to start flipping over to the UFC somewhere before halftime. But do not take the game off the recall button. It may just surprise you.

Georgia vs. Hawaii
Two words and two words only will make or break this game.
Colt Brennan.
Georgia must keep Colt Brennan and the high powered Hawaii offence off the field. Hawaii defence is suspect at best. Can, can, play good games (for those of us who set the alarms for 3am to watch a game, we know.) For Hawaii just getting to this game makes them winners already. They should attract some top flight talent over the next two to three years just because of this appearance.
Georgia on the other hand went to bed one night expecting to play for the national title and woke up playing in the Sugar Bowl. The will be nice, they will be considerate. The coach and the players will tell everyone they are excited to play this game. Blah, Blah, Blah.
But look out when they take the field.
This could get ugly, fast.....
My prediction. Georgia by 7

Other news and highlights tonight.
Not really sure. Spike is running the best fight of 2007 and i have not had the heart to change the channel. Plus it keeps the other half out of my room. (Get out of here and go watch Larry King.).
The only thing i can keeping my eye on over the next few days are the winter meeting. I really, REALLY, want to see where Santana goes now that Cashman and the Yankee's have decided to drop out of the arm's race. (or have they?) If the RedSox do get Santana, Game over.
(I would equate this to the Partiots getting Moss.)

I only had two.
#1 - If you wished for something all your life and then finally got it. Is you life over?
Like in the movie "The princess Bride". Inego Montoya sent his whole life trying to get revenge on the 5 fingered man who killed his father. After he finally gets it, he does not know what to do with himself. (Good thing he got an offer for the Dread Pirate Roberts job.)
#2 - What do you think O.J. is thinking at this very moment in time.

I would like your thoughts.

Hungry, I need to eat.

See ya ll tomorrow.