Tuesday, May 08, 2007


And there will not be a post on 05-09-07
The Jazz ran the Warriors off the court last night. Not sure if one game can take away your MoJo, but if it can, it happened to golden state last night.
The Bulls are done. PERIOD.

Everyone will probley watch the Detroit / Anahem series. But, in my opinion, the one to watch is the Buffalo / Ottawa. ALOT of bad blood between these two.
Example. Buffalo is mike mini-me canada, except with more teeth. They both love hockey and fighting, so why not one another. No one pays attebtion to either of them unless there in the playoff's or get 10 feet of snow, even then we hardle notice them. This will be the better series.

Enought with Roger already. I read more more article on him i'm gonna have to run some old lady off the road to make me feel better. (more on him later)
Brad Penny (LA) 14K's in 8 innings. Wasn't NY looking at him last year? Ya, they were. I think Cashman said he was "too fragile"

Do you realize that this year we could have 4 more players join the 500 homer club? Frank Thomas, Jim Thome, Alex Rodriguez, Manny Ramirez. Manny is a bit of a long shot away (33) but if he get on a tear he could make it this year. The way Alex started out the season i would have thought he would have been there by now. (It's been 12 games since he hit a home run. Are we slumping? Looks lime my May 12th call for when he starts his down hill slide was a little off, He started earlie!).
After listening t0 alot of baseball people i am now in the agreement that the yankee's are overpaying Roger. Rogert says "it's not about the money". Horse shit. If it's not about the money make $600,0000.00 Like the riickie pitchers already on the payroll and TRAVEL WITH YOUR TEAM! David Wells and Greg Maddox both came out and said that ot was not right. (translation: That's crap, we can't get away with that shit around here.) We'll see what happens over the next few days.

Robert Baswell from west palm beach, fla is a homeless man who fell asleep in a dumpster to stay out of the rain and wound up inside a garbage truck getting crushed. 7 times! "He was screaming and trying to protect himself with a dead opossum". Atleast he'll get a few day hospital stay out of it He suffered a broken leg and a few ribs.

I'm outta here.....................


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